Anatomy Anatomical features of the mantle Anatomy of the mantle in cross-section Anatomy of the Hartig net in cross-section

anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae central remaining hyphae cell pigment location-colour

These types of pigmentation can occur in different combinations depending on the localisation of the pigment.

epimembranaceous The pigment lays on the hyphal surface in optical sections as short lines of different length; in surface view of the hyphae irregularly shaped patches can be seen (A).

membranaceous The pigment is located within the cell wall, therefore in optical sections the walls appear dark, in hyphal surface view the margins of the hyphae appear darker (B).

plasmatical The pigment is located within the cytoplasm, vacuoles – if present – can be distinguished as lighter coloured areas; in hyphal surface view the central part of the hypha appears somewhat darker (C).

vacuolar The pigment is located within roundish to elongated vacuoles; these vacuoles are different from the strongly light reflecting oil droplets (= guttules), consisting of homogeneous colourless material; vacuolarly stained hyphae in surface view are also a bit darker in the center than at the margins (D).

click for enlarged view 1 of palmetti type
click for enlarged view 2 infrequently lobed

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