Anatomy Anatomical features of the mantle Anatomy of the outer mantle layer apart from the ectormycorrhizal tip

anatomy mantle outer mantle layer {apart from tip} mantle type

1 ring-like arrangement of hyphal bundles (type A)
2 hyphae rather irregularly arranged and no special pattern discernible (type B)
3 gelatinous matrix between the hyphae (type C)
4 hyphae arranged net-like, with prominent cystidia (type D)
5 hyphae arranged net-like, repeatedly and squarrosely branched (type E)
6 occasional patches of roundish cells on the mantle (type F)
7 hyphae star-like arranged and tightly glued together (type G)
8 a net of coarse and irregularly shaped hyphae (type H)
9 hymeniform, stout and often slightly curved hyphal end-cells, filled with oily droplets which stain in sulpho-vanillin (type I)
10 angular cells, bearing mounds of roundish cells (type K)
11 angular cells (type L)
12 epidermoid cells (type M)
13 some cells containing droplets, staining in sulpho-vanillin; shape variable (type N)
14 angular cells and mounds of flattened cells (type O)
15 angular cells bearing a hyphal net (type P)
16 epidermoid cells bearing mounds of cells
17 epidermoid cells bearing a hyphal net (type Q)

This mantle is not any longer regarded as a separate type, as latciferous cells can occur in a diversity of pseudoparenchymatous mantles types: L-Q. Therefore a separate character regarding laticiferous cells in outer mantle layers substitutes mantle type N

– Character overview –


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