Anatomy Anatomical features of the mantle Anatomy of the outer mantle layer apart from the ectormycorrhizal tip

anatomy mantle outer mantle layer {apart from tip} pores between cells presence

(if mantle pseudoparenchymatous) Anastomosis pores between cells of pseudoparenchyma. Such pores are distinct from incomplete septa; pores are generally rather thin.

click for enlarged view 1 ring-like arrangement of hyphal bundles (type A)
click for enlarged view 2 hyphae rather irregularly arranged and no special pattern discernible (type B)
click for enlarged view 3 gelatinous matrix between the hyphae (type C)
click for enlarged view 4 hyphae arranged net-like, with prominent cystidia (type D)
click for enlarged view 5 hyphae arranged net-like, repeatedly and squarrosely branched (type E)
click for enlarged view 6 occasional patches of roundish cells on the mantle (type F)
click for enlarged view 7 hyphae star-like arranged and tightly glued together (type G)
click for enlarged view 8 a net of coarse and irregularly shaped hyphae (type H)
click for enlarged view 9 hymeniform, stout and often slightly curved hyphal end-cells, filled with oily droplets which stain in sulpho-vanillin (type I)
click for enlarged view 10 angular cells, bearing mounds of roundish cells (type K)
click for enlarged view 11 angular cells (type L)
click for enlarged view 12 epidermoid cells (type M)
click for enlarged view 13 some cells containing droplets, staining in sulpho-vanillin; shape variable (type N) detailed information about this state
click for enlarged view 14 angular cells and mounds of flattened cells (type O)
click for enlarged view 15 angular cells bearing a hyphal net (type P)
  16 epidermoid cells bearing mounds of cells
click for enlarged view 17 epidermoid cells bearing a hyphal net (type Q)

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