– Enlarged view – |
• references | |
Agerer R, ed (1987-1998) Colour Atlas of Ectomycorrhizae, 1st-11th delivery. Einhorn-Verlag, Schwäbisch Gmünd. Franz F (1994) Ektomykorrhizen der Fichte: Identifizierung, Ultrastruktur und Mikroelementanalyse (EELS, ESI). Diss Univ Bayreuth. Franz F, Acker G (1995) Rhizomorphs of Picea abies ectomycorrhizae: ultrastructural aspects and elemental analysis (EELS, ESI) on hyphal inclusions. Nova Hedwigia 60(1-2): 253-267. Haug I, Pritsch K (1992) Ectomycorrhizal tpyes of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the Black Forest. A microscopical atlas. Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Weiss M (1988) Ektomykorrhizen von Picea abies, Synthese, Ontogenie und Reaktion auf Umweltschadstoffe. Diss Univ München. |
• length | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
6 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• ramification presence-type | |
monopodial-pinnate | |
or | monopodial-pyramidal |
• rhizomorphs as stout, short, conical structures presence-abundance | |
absent | |
• exploration type | |
medium distance smooth |
• shape | |
straight | |
or | bent |
• shape {of distal end} | |
not inflated, cylindric | |
• length | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• diameter | |
0.3 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
0.5 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• colour | |
red | |
or | white |
• older parts colour | |
ochre, yellowish brown | |
• mantle cortical cells visibility | |
not visible | |
• mantle {distinct} surface visibility | |
present | |
• mantle transparency | |
not transparent | |
• mantle laticifers visibility | |
absent | |
• mantle surface {in general} habit | |
silvery | |
or | smooth |
or | not smooth |
• mantle surface {in detail} kind | |
densely cottony | |
or | forming rings (reticulate) |
• emanating hyphae presence | |
present | |
• emanating hyphae abundance | |
abundant |
• diameter | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
0.35 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cross-section shape | |
round or roundish | |
• colour | |
concolourous to mantle | |
or | red |
or | whitish |
• ramification kind-frequency | |
repeatedly into smaller filaments | |
• connection to mantle kind | |
distinct | |
• margin habit | |
hairy | |
• dimorphism presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
absent |
• emanating elements presence-type | |
rhizomorphs |
• presence | |
absent |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• mantle type | |
ring-like arrangement of hyphal bundles (type A) | |
• cell diameter | |
2 µm | Minimum value |
2.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
5 µm | Maximum value |
• cell length | |
10 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
90 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall surface habit | |
smooth | |
and | with few crystals |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
plectenchymatous, ring-like | |
• cell pigment location-colour | |
colourless | |
• cell diameter | |
2 µm | Minimum value |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
6 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
ring-like |
• mantle thickness {apart from tip} | |
15 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
30 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• mantle different layers presence | |
not discernable | |
• outer mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• middle mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• inner mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• inner mantle layer hyphae radially diameter | |
2 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
6 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• presence | |
present |
• presence | |
present | |
• kind | |
protruding towards endodermis | |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal cells around tannin cells thickness | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
6 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal cells around cortical cells (epidermal) thickness | |
2.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• structure {in plan view} | |
of palmetti type | |
• lobes width | |
1 µm | Minimum value |
2 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
3 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
5 µm | Maximum value |
• intrahyphal hyphae presence | |
present | |
• septal pores configuration | |
dolipore-like structures |
• shape | |
not striking |
• clamps presence | |
present |
• presence | |
absent | |
or | present |
• abundance | |
infrequent | |
• distribution | |
not specified |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell diameter | |
2 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell wall surface habit | |
smooth |
• type | |
undifferentiated; hyphae rather loosely woven and of uniform diameter (type A) |
• presence | |
absent |
• {of ectomycorrhiza former} presence | |
absent |
• septal pores type | |
as dolipores with perforated parenthesome |
• reaction with KOH 10% presence | |
present |
• geographic occurrence continent | |
Europe |
• plant family | |
Pinaceae | |
• plant genus | |
Picea | |
• plant habitat kind | |
forests, woods |
• family | |
Thelephoraceae ss. Stalpers. excl. Tylospora |
• public notes | |
Mycorrhizal ends somtimes sightly bent, whitish rose-red, in older parts brownish, rhizomorphs rose-red to white; emanating hyphae septate with clamps (? Haug & Pritsch 1992), epimembranaceously reddish; mantle in KOH intensely violet. |