• references | |
Eberhart J, Luoma D (1996) Truncocolumella citrina Zeller + Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. In Goodman DM, Durall DM, Trofymow JA, Berch SM (eds) Concise descriptions of North American ectomycorrhizae. Mycologue Publications, and Canada-B. C. Forest Resource Development Agreement, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, B. C., pp CDE9.1-9.4. Massicotte HB, Molina R, Luoma DL, Smith J (1994) Biology of the ectomycorrhizal genus, Rhizopogon. II. Patterns of host-fungus specificity following spore inoculation of diverse hosts grown in monoculture and dual culture. New Phytol 126: 677-690. |
• length | |
5 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
30 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• ramification presence-type | |
monopodial-pinnate | |
• main axis diameter | |
0.5 mm | Minimum value |
0.7 mm | Mean (= average) |
0.9 mm | Maximum value |
• rhizomorphs as stout, short, conical structures presence-abundance | |
absent | |
• rhizomorphs as short mycorrhiza-like outgrowths with blunt tips presence | |
absent | |
• rhizomorphs presence | |
present | |
• rhizomorphs frequency | |
infrequent | |
• exploration type | |
long distance |
• shape | |
straight | |
or | bent |
• shape {of distal end} | |
not inflated, cylindric | |
• length | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
2 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
3 mm | Maximum value |
• diameter | |
0.4 mm | Minimum value |
0.5 mm | Mean (= average) |
0.6 mm | Maximum value |
• colour | |
dark brown | |
or | yellow |
• very tip colour | |
yellow | |
• older parts colour | |
dark brown | |
• mantle cortical cells visibility | |
not visible | |
• mantle {distinct} surface visibility | |
present | |
• mantle transparency | |
not transparent | |
• mantle laticifers visibility | |
absent | |
• mantle dots presence-colour | |
absent | |
• mantle surface {in general} habit | |
silvery | |
or | smooth |
or | not smooth |
• mantle surface {in detail} kind | |
loosely stringy | |
or | forming rings (reticulate) |
• emanating hyphae presence | |
present | |
• emanating hyphae abundance | |
infrequent | |
• emanating hyphae distribution | |
not specifically distributed |
• cross-section shape | |
round or roundish | |
• colour | |
black | |
or | brown |
or | ochre, yellowish brown |
• ramification kind-frequency | |
infrequently, at restricted points | |
• connection to mantle kind | |
distinct | |
• origin location | |
not specific | |
• margin habit | |
smooth | |
• dimorphism presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
absent |
• emanating elements presence-type | |
rhizomorphs |
• presence | |
absent |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• mantle type | |
ring-like arrangement of hyphal bundles (type A) | |
• septa thickness {relative to cell walls} | |
as thick as walls | |
• cell pigment location-colour | |
absent | |
and | membranaceously yellowish |
and | plasmatically yellowish |
• cell diameter | |
5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
9 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
plectenchymatous, ring-like | |
• cell diameter | |
2 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall surface habit | |
smooth |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
ring-like | |
• cell pigment location-colour | |
absent | |
or | membranaceously yellowish |
• cell diameter | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
8 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell pigment location-colour | |
absent |
• clamps presence | |
present |
• presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell diameter | |
3.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
6 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell wall surface habit | |
smooth | |
or | rough of warts |
• type | |
undifferentiated; margins rather smooth; hyphae compactly arranged and of uniform diameter (type B) |
• cup-like structures on surface presence | |
absent |
• ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
present | |
• type | |
special features lacking | |
• diameter | |
14 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
19 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• length | |
19 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
57 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• geographic occurrence continent | |
North America | |
• knowledge about association with foreign fruitbodies presence | |
unknown |
• plant family | |
Pinaceae | |
• plant genus | |
Pseudotsuga | |
• plant habitat kind | |
forests, woods |
• family | |
Rhizopogonaceae | |
• fruitbodies growth habit | |
hypogeous | |
or | gastroid |
• public notes | |
Mycorrhizal systems compact to open; mycorrhizal ends bright yellow to dark brown, very tips bright yellow, or yellow with dark yellowish brown patches; in KOH mantle a reaction lacking, but whole mycorrhizae turn reddish brown, pigment soluble; in H2O brown pigments soluble. |