• references | |
Pritsch K (1996) Untersuchungen zur Diversität und Ökologie von Mykorrhizen der Schwarzerle (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.). Diss Univ München. |
• length | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
40 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• ramification presence-type | |
absent | |
or | monopodial-pinnate |
• tips {per 10 mm} number | |
1 | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
3 | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• ramification orders | |
0 | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1 | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• main axis diameter | |
0.4 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1.5 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• rhizomorphs as stout, short, conical structures presence-abundance | |
absent | |
• rhizomorphs as short mycorrhiza-like outgrowths with blunt tips presence | |
absent | |
• rhizomorphs presence | |
present | |
• rhizomorphs frequency | |
infrequent |
• shape | |
straight | |
or | bent |
or | sinuous |
• shape {of distal end} | |
tapering | |
• length | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
25 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• diameter | |
0.4 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
0.8 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• colour | |
dark brown | |
or | brown |
• very tip colour | |
whitish | |
• mantle {distinct} surface visibility | |
present | |
• mantle transparency | |
semi-transparent, opaque | |
• mantle laticifers visibility | |
absent | |
• mantle dots presence-colour | |
absent | |
• mantle carbonizing presence | |
absent | |
• mantle surface {in general} habit | |
not smooth | |
• mantle surface {in detail} kind | |
densely stringy | |
or | loosely stringy |
or | loosely short-spiny |
or | densely long-spiny |
or | loosely long-spiny |
• emanating hyphae presence | |
present | |
• emanating hyphae abundance | |
infrequent | |
• emanating hyphae distribution | |
not specifically distributed |
• cross-section shape | |
round or roundish | |
• colour | |
concolourous to mantle | |
or | ochre, yellowish brown |
• ramification kind-frequency | |
infrequently, at restricted points | |
• origin location | |
not specific | |
or | proximal |
• margin habit | |
hairy |
• presence | |
absent |
• emanating elements presence-type | |
rhizomorphs | |
or | cystidia |
• emanating elements cystidia location | |
on outer mantle layer |
• presence | |
absent |
• matrix presence | |
present | |
• matrix location | |
middle mantle layer |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• mantle type | |
ring-like arrangement of hyphal bundles (type A) | |
• hyphal system kind | |
undifferentiated | |
• cell shape | |
cylindric, not constricted at septa | |
and | cylindric, constricted at septa |
and | ampullate at both sides of septum |
• cell pigment location-colour | |
membranaceously brownish | |
• cell diameter | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
10 µm | Maximum value |
• cell wall thickness | |
0.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1.5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall surface habit | |
smooth |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• matrix kind | |
not gelatinous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
plectenchymatous, with broad streaks of parallel hyphae | |
• cell diameter | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell length | |
20 µm | Mean (= average) |
• cell wall thickness | |
0.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1.5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall surface habit | |
smooth |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
without pattern | |
• cell diameter | |
0 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
12 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• mantle thickness {apart from tip} | |
25 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
45 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• mantle different layers presence | |
discernable | |
• outer mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• middle mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• inner mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous |
• presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
present | |
• kind | |
paraepidermal | |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal cells around cortical cells (epidermal) thickness | |
1 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal rows around cortical (epidermal) cells number | |
one | |
• structure {in plan view} | |
of palmetti type | |
or | infrequently lobed |
• mantle different layers presence | |
discernible | |
• outer mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• middle mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• inner mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous |
• presence | |
absent |
• anatomy mantle cross-section hyphal cells around cortical (epidermal) cells thickness | |
1 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• anatomy mantle cross-section hyphal rows around cortical (epidermal) cells number | |
one | |
• structure {in plan view} | |
of palmetti type | |
or | infrequently lobed |
• anastomoses type | |
open, with a short bridge or bridge almost lacking |
• type | |
awl-shaped, bristle-like (type A) | |
• septa presence | |
present | |
• septa kind | |
simple | |
or | with intercalary clamps |
• diameter {proximal} | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• diameter {distal} | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• length | |
70 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
200 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall thickness | |
0.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall thickness {relative to mantle cells} | |
similar in thickness | |
• surface habit | |
smooth |
• clamps presence | |
present |
• presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell diameter | |
3 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell wall surface habit | |
smooth | |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell wall thickness | |
0.2 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• type | |
undifferentiated; hyphae rather loosely woven and of uniform diameter (type A) |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs clamps presence | |
present, not specified | |
• ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs clamps presence | |
present, not specified | |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs clamps presence | |
present, not specified | |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs clamps presence | |
present, not specified | |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs clamps presence | |
present, not specified | |
• anatomy emanating elements rhizomorphs hyphae ampullate, trumpet-like inflated presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
absent |
• {of ectomycorrhiza former} presence | |
absent |
• soil pH | |
acid reaction | |
• geographic occurrence continent | |
Europe |
• plant family | |
Betulaceae | |
• plant genus | |
Alnus | |
• plant habitat kind | |
forests, woods |
• public notes | |
Mycorrhizal systems infrequently irregularly monopodial-pinnate; mycorrhizal ends slightly sinuous, very tips mostly not covered by mantle, colourless. |