• references | |
Agerer R (1995) Anatomical characteristics of identified ectomycorrhizas: an attempt towards a natural classification. In Varma AK, Hock B (eds.) Mycorrhiza: Structure, function, molecular biology and biotechnology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 685-734. Fassi B, Fontana A (1966) Ricerche sulle micorrize ectotrofiche del Pino strobo in vivaio. II. Micorrize di Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. ex Fr., di Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Berk. et Br. e di Hebeloma mesophaeum Pers. ex Fr. Allionia 12: 47-53. Ingleby K, Mason PA, Last FT, Fleming LV (1990) Identification of ectomycorrhizas. ITE Research Publication no. 5. HMSO, London. Ritter G (1964) Zur Morphologie der Mykorrhizen von Pinus silvestris mit Suillus luteus, Amanita muscaria und Hebeloma mesophaeum. Z Pilzkd 30: 89-95. |
• length | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
10 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• ramification presence-type | |
dichotomous | |
• ramification orders | |
0 | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
1 | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• main axis diameter | |
0 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
0.4 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• rhizomorphs as short mycorrhiza-like outgrowths with blunt tips presence | |
absent | |
• rhizomorphs presence | |
absent | |
• exploration type | |
short distance |
• shape | |
straight | |
or | bent |
• shape {of distal end} | |
not inflated, cylindric | |
or | tapering |
• diameter | |
0.3 mm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
0.5 mm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• colour | |
brown | |
or | white |
• older parts colour | |
brown | |
• mantle {distinct} surface visibility | |
present | |
• mantle transparency | |
not transparent | |
• mantle laticifers visibility | |
absent | |
• mantle dots presence-colour | |
absent | |
• mantle carbonizing presence | |
absent | |
• mantle surface {in general} habit | |
silvery | |
or | not smooth |
• mantle surface {in detail} kind | |
densely cottony | |
• emanating hyphae presence | |
present | |
• emanating hyphae abundance | |
abundant | |
• emanating hyphae distribution | |
not specifically distributed |
• presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
absent |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• mantle type | |
hyphae rather irregularly arranged and no special pattern discernible (type B) | |
• hyphal system kind | |
undifferentiated | |
• hyphae hyphal junctions angle {between} | |
ca. 45° and less | |
• cell shape | |
cylindric, not constricted at septa | |
• cell diameter | |
2 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell wall surface habit | |
smooth |
• organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• hyphae arrangement | |
without pattern | |
• septa clamps presence | |
absent | |
• cell diameter | |
0 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• cell length | |
0 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
20 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• mantle thickness {apart from tip} | |
5 µm | Minimum value |
13 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
25 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
• mantle different layers presence | |
not discernable | |
or | discernable |
• outer mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• middle mantle layer organisation | |
plectenchymatous | |
• inner mantle layer organisation | |
pseudoparenchymatous |
• presence | |
present | |
• shape | |
tangentially-oval, -elliptic or -cylindrical, and oriented in parallel to root axis |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section cortical (epidermal) cells shape | |
tangentially-oval to -elliptic or -cylindrical, and oriented in parallel to root axis |
• presence | |
present | |
• kind | |
protruding towards endodermis | |
or | one or half a row of cortical cells adjoining endodermis free of Hartig net |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal cells around tannin cells shape | |
roundish | |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal rows around tannin cells number | |
one | |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal cells around cortical (epidermal) cells shape | |
roundish | |
or | cylindrical |
• anatomy mantle longitudinal section hyphal rows around cortical (epidermal) cells number | |
one | |
• structure {in plan view} | |
of palmetti type |
• shape | |
not striking | |
• cell pigment location-colour | |
absent |
• presence | |
present | |
• kind | |
acute | |
or | approximately 90° |
• distance {from septum} | |
one or two hyphal diam. below the septum | |
or | in considerable distance from the septum |
• side-branches at septum number | |
one side-branch at septum |
• clamps presence | |
present | |
• clamps hole presence | |
absent |
• presence | |
present | |
• abundance | |
infrequent | |
• distribution | |
not specified |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell diameter | |
2 µm | Minimum value |
2.5 µm | Lower value of unspecified range (could be µ-s.d., but not known) |
3.5 µm | Upper value of unspecified range (could be µ+s.d., but not known) |
4 µm | Maximum value |
• anatomy emanating elements emanating hyphae cell wall surface habit | |
smooth | |
or | rough of warts |
• orientation | |
irregularly |
• type | |
lacking, only emanating hyphae present (type G) |
• {of ectomycorrhiza former} presence | |
absent | |
• {of foreign origin} presence | |
absent |
• reaction with toluidin blue presence | |
present |
• geographic occurrence continent | |
Europe |
• plant family | |
Pinaceae | |
• plant genus | |
Pinus | |
• plant subgenus-section | |
two-needle-pines | |
or | five-needle-pines |
• plant habitat kind | |
nursery |
• family | |
Cortinariaceae | |
• fruitbodies growth habit | |
epigeous | |
or | pileate-lamellate |
• public notes | |
In toluidine blue encrustations of hyphae stain dark blue. |